Consultants by State - Jim and Jan Pundmann

Jim and Jan Pundmann
Phone: 573.826.4077
Jim Pundmann, since receiving his Bachelors degree from the University of Missouri, has spent over 30 years working with literally hundreds of band directors and booster groups through out the entire United States and Canada. Originally trained by Will Stanbury, he has the ability to understand the importance of a successful band program that begins with the band’s appearance giving the students the confidence to perform to their maximum.
His experience provides him the knowledge to guide the directors through all the details and stages of the buying process in a very efficient and professional manner. Being the son of a band director, he relates to the demands place upon today’s directors and is quite sensitive to their time and dedication towards their students, school and community.
With the assistance of his wife, Jan, who has also been actively involved in this business for over 30 years, the two combine to provide the personal service with unquestionable follow up to every detail involved with the goal of making the buying experience stress free and enjoyable.
Both are active golfers, playing in several benefit golf tournaments throughout the summer. During the winter, they enjoy the ski slopes with their two sons.
It is their philosophy and belief that the high school band program is the best public relations asset for their school and community as well as the pride of both.